Root Cause, Parasites
Why Everyone Should Parasite Cleanse
18 September 2023
Parasites are one of the biggest root causes of all dis-ease and symptoms in the body.
“If you have a pulse, you have parasites” - Jay Davidson
After supporting over 1500 people through parasite cleanses, I believe this to be 100% true.
Parasites are everywhere, and we all have them. Even if you’ve had a negative parasite stool test, that’s not accurate. I’ve seen countless people who’ve taken a parasite stool test, had nothing show up, then poop out multiple foot long worms for months.
I pooped out parasites everyday for a year, and it completely changed my life and my health.
Before completing my parasite cleanse, I was having daily seizures when I would touch anything cold, or eat a food I was sensitive to. I had severe face and neck acne. I had headaches and extreme fatigue. I could only eat a very narrow list of foods because I reacted badly to pretty much everything. I had depression, crippling anxiety, and panic attacks.
After completing the parasite cleanse, these symptoms were ALL gone. And I mean all of them.
In this blog, I’m going to go through a few things…
Let first dive into why you want to get parasites out of you...
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They are pooping inside you 24 hours a day, stealing your nutrients, and emitting digestive juices that are breaking you down.
They are literally feeding off of you.
When trying to find health, one of the most important concepts I try to get across to people is the importance of lessening the total load on your body both internally and externally.
Every layer of STRESS on your body is adding to your total load, and parasites add a significant stress!
The level of toxins they are putting off is causing chronic toxicity and stressing your liver, kidneys, and other detox organs to a crazy degree. They feed off of us but don’t have teeth, so emit digestive juices that are breaking down our cells and tissues.
When your liver is overworked and can’t process the amount of toxins being pushed into it, it becomes inflamed, swells, and pushes those toxins back into the bloodstream to be recirculated throughout your body, poisoning your cells and causing chronic inflammation and cell damage.
An overburdened liver is one of the reasons I HIGHLY recommend doing a Functional Medicine Detox first, it lowers your toxic load significantly in a short period of time. It also prepares your body for parasite cleansing! I’ll explain more on this shortly.
What benefits might you experience from parasite cleansing?
This list could go on forever. Parasites are one of the biggest root causes of all disease, and eliminating them will have a positive impact on every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.
If your gut health improves, EVERYTHING improves. If your cellular health improves, EVERYTHING improves. I could go on and on. They all work together, so improving even one of them will have a trickle-down effect on everything else!
Here are just a few things that you will see improve! You may not SEE or feel all of these, but they ARE happening!
These won't happen for everyone immediately. You could have other root causes holding you back, but the impact on all of these systems is REAL.
Why you need to prepare for a parasite cleanse?
Parasite cleansing is easier than most other protocols. You pretty much just take a few different pills and you’ll start to see things come out in the toilet. That might sound pretty simple, and it is!!
But, I always want to warn people to do some preparations FIRST and NOT to start parasite cleansing unless you’ve done a Functional Medicine Detox, AND you’re pooping. If you aren’t pooping 1-2 times per day, do NOT start a parasite cleanse.
You need to open up your drainage funnel before you start parasite cleansing. Check out my blog on the Drainage Funnel here!
Why do you need to be pooping and detox first? When you start “killing” the parasites, they are going to release even more toxins. They are going to release all of the stuff that’s been hiding inside of them (think mold, yeast, Lyme, heavy metals, etc.), and your trusty liver has to deal with all these toxins and push them out of the body.
If you didn’t do the work ahead of time to PREPARE for your parasite cleanse, you’re going to experience symptoms(more commonly known as herxing) from the severe toxicity.
If you aren’t pooping, those toxins are going to be recirculated in your body and cause a lot of problems.
If you’re having trouble pooping, check out my blog on how to poop! Then dive into the blog on Why complete a Functional medicine detox!
Once you’ve done these two things, you’re ready to parasite cleanse!
How to do a parasite cleanse and which parasite cleanse to order
I’ve had success with two different parasite cleansing systems, and I highly recommend them both.
Which you choose depends on how sick you are.
Option 1:
When I was REALLY sick, I didn’t know how big of a problem parasites were for me. When I first learned they could be a problem, I started diving into Cell Core products, who are known for their parasite cleanses, and this was the first cleanse I did.
I spent 6 months on their Comprehensive Gut protocol, and 6 months on their Comprehensive Systemic protocol(getting stuff out of the rest of my body). It was insanely successful. At the time, I was so sick that I needed to take a LOT of supporting supplements to ensure I didn’t get even sicker. This was the right protocol for me at the time and allowed me to poop out worms for a year.
For someone just getting started with parasite cleansing, I always recommend they do at least 2 months of their Para 1 and Para 2 supplements.
This is going to get a lot of the BIG guys out, which will lessen your load significantly.
THEN, you can move onto 2 months of their Para 1 and Para 3 supplements. This moves beyond the gut and kills parasites throughout the rest of your body.
You’ll need a practitioner code to order. You can use this one XDSVCWJK. If you decide to order, DM me on Instagram once you setup your account, I'll activate a 15% discount on the backend for all orders.
Option 2:
Equilife’s Para Support Protocol is equally as good, I just didn’t learn about it until after I had done the other. I’ve now done it a couple of times with great success.
After speaking with Dr. Cabral(owner of Equilife) about the difference in protocols, the Cell Core one focuses more on drainage, while Equilife’s will kill more parasites.
The Equilife protocol is a package that ends up being a good amount less expensive, and includes a little more support.
Use code KATE for 10% off anything on their site.
If you aren’t sure which to order, you can email with questions, or DM me on Instagram.
In conclusion
Everyone should do a parasite cleanse. It should become a part of your long term health maintenance plan. If you’re really sick now, start preparing your body to do this protocol. Do NOT just dive into it without preparing your body first. I can’t emphasize that enough! I wrote a whole blog about how to prepare your body, so make sure to dive in there first!
I had no idea that most 3rd world countries “de-worm” at least once a year since birth. They know parasites are a problem, and they know they need to get them out.
In the US, we aren’t warned about this and doctors aren't trained to look for this. But they are everywhere, and are causing a LOT of problems in the body!! It’s even been found that many tumors and cancers actually end up being parasites!
Don’t wait longer…start getting them out now!
Again, here are some important resources to help you on your parasite journey:
And make sure to checkout my FREE Transformation Toolkit and Root Cause Roadmap where I provide you with all the tools, education, and tricks I've used to overcome countless symptoms and feel AMAZING!
I've been on a 27-year wellness journey and I've compiled all my most game-changing needle movers and knowledge into these two FREE and comprehensive guides!
If you decide to dive into parasite cleansing, let me know! You can message me on Instagram @rootcausekate.
Kate Mills
Root Cause Kate
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Hi there! I'm Kate Mills
I'm a business growth strategist and entrepreneur who's been on a wellness journey for over 27 years, have a passion for root cause wellness, and am on a mission to lift up Integrative Practitioners and help impact the health of generations. Welcome to my virtual world! Take a look around!
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